Large Breasts from a Woman's Assertion

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I have had large breasts for about 20 years. I'm 32, so let's say, roughly, that my breasts were on their path to greatness halfway through the Carter administration. By

13 reasons to have sex with your spouse every night

“My husband and I have sex every night because it’s a moment in the day that is just about the two of us. We are parents to a toddler, so when we lay him down for bed each night, we can then spend the rest of the night expressing how we feel about each other physically. Having sex allows us to be passionate, to show affection and we enjoy pleasing each other.” – Christie M. of Arkansas; married 3 years

When life gets busy, one of the first things to go in a relationship is sex.

VIDEO: How To Enjoy Sexual Fulfillment in Your Marriage

Sex is a great bonding addition for married couples.

Sadly, most couples still have not entered God’s blissful sexual

10 Stupid Questions Men Ask Women During sex

Men sometimes ask too many questions that you get confused about what exactly he wants in s*x with you. Here are the most common questions men ask during s*x with their partners.
1. Do you like it?
I find this question very funny. If she does not like you, she